Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Not Doing a Good Job Updating

Clearly I haven't been able stay true in updating this blog, with multiple issues being time, studies, and basically nothing to blog about. (I'm a boring person) Basically, most of the things I think up are either too personal or just plain repetitive that I am unable to be publish them. I'm still trying to see what to blog about but it's difficult with all the studying, org work and all. I'm trying to find sources of inspiration by walking around, reading books, and a lot of reflection. I'll see what'll turn up. Talk to everyone soon. :)

Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Feeling a Bit Sick but I Still Have The Energy to Post WTF?

So...yeah, you see the title. I'm not feeling so well tonight, mainly because I only slept for about 3 hours doing a Lab Report and going on a self-induced coffee spree for about half of the morning. I made the mistake of drinking a coffee at 11pm last night and had a hard time sleeping. I had to get up at 5am in the morning because my car was up for coding so I had to get to school by 7am. I felt fine at the start, kinda perky but 2 hours into my day I started feeling like crap and I still had to STUDY. :|

I basically spent the 3 hours I had before my "Spartan" day, as my friend Deo would call it, dragging myself to study and eat a heavy lunch. This was one of those days that I had 7 1/2 hours of class...straight. It also just so happened to be the day I had a 2 hour 7:30am class, how fun.

My first class went by without a hitch, although I was cranky and stormed out once it was done so I could get to my next class where I was about to take a quiz. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly in the best mood to take the test and knowing that I mostly slept during my study time didn't help.

The class opted to take the longer option of the test, which placed me in an even worse mood. (sorry if I inadvertently offend anyone I was just really tired and felt really sick at the time) Miraculously I got the quiz and managed to get by despite my foul mood.

The next class was Physics and I just felt that we were gonna have a test. Luckily, Sir Jallorina's mood managed to rub off me and I started to feel a little bit positive. We still had a quiz though. :| I had a plan though, I brought earmuffs to muffle out any sounds in the area because I usually get distracted with Sir Jallorina's quizzes because, more often than not, his bonuses often leave me thinking more than the quiz itself hahaha. Although, for today's quiz, I almost didn't get it.

History 166 was the next class and I knew that there was a class presentation for it. It was the group of Sarah, Jj, and Ale. Their group presented on the economic policies of the country during the time the Americans stayed here. They managed to pull it off despite only having 3 members and I tip my hat to them. :)

My last class though, really did it in for me. It was Philosophy101 and our lesson was about the Phenomenological method and how Hursserl contributed to it. Long story short, I used my brain a lot during that hour and a half hahaha.

With class done, I thought I was finally going home but since some of my blockmates decided to go get milk tea, I decided, "Why not get a milk shake?". Unfortunately they were out of milk shakes so I had to settle for an icy alternative. I brought my blockmates home to end the day and now I am here typing after watching Startcraft 2 replays on Youtube. I'm actually planning to try and play Starcraft 2 again for some random reason. I should probably go to bed soon but I'm starting to feel a little bit better so I might get pizza instead. This blog must be doing wonders for me. :p I'll write about more stuff as the days go on. Hope you guys stay tuned and keep on fighting. :D

Here's a video from one of my favorite bands. Yes. I'm a hopeless romantic. :)

Monday, July 23, 2012

Phoenix Flame!

From the ashes, RISE!

Like the phoenix who was consumed by the flame only to rise out of the remnants of its previous form this blog shall fly again. Although I must say I wouldn't call this much of a blog; I had like what, 7 posts before I stopped? That was pathetic of me. :|

Anyway, back to the matter at hand, I am resurrecting this blog since I was convinced by a friend to write more so I'm doing it. I just hope though that I'll have time to ACTUALLY write regularly as I've set myself up for a pretty hectic year with all my orgs and academics haha. 

I'll end this post right here for now, since really don't have anything interesting in mind right now. I might start of this boot up with a recap of what has happened IN THE PAST YEAR that I've been silent. I'm hoping to share whatever wonderful adventures I'll have with the world. See ya! =))

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Night inspiration and giving.

Hi guys! :D I know I know it's been a while since my last post like…4 months lol I'm such a baddie. :p Anyway this is probably the only time I've ever felt this inspired this summer so let's savor the moment shall we? :]]

So what I've been up to. That's a lot. I've been busy trying to stay in my course because now I'm on probation due to low grades but it's all good with my 3.17 QPI :D. This summer has also been pretty hectic what with 4 1/2 hours of class everyday and all, not to mention the IDK how many birthdays my block organized :]]. Everyone seems to be turning 18 this year, which makes them old haha :]] and me oldER =_=

But all these are besides the point, I type right now because of this thought that has been running though my mind and that thought is a seemingly simple thing: the act of giving. By giving, I'm not limiting it to presents, money, food, etc. I speak also about love, effort, time, and the like. I've been thinking about the reasons why people give in the first place. Is it because they want to seem like a decent member of society? Is it because they were taught that way by their parents? Is it because they are after a reward through our ideology of utang na loob? Is it because we were told that we would suffer an eternity in a fiery abyss or a similar fate by our faith? (hehe see what I did thur?) What is it that drives some people to do what they do? To give what they have for the benefit of the other.  What makes a teacher get up each morning to teach his/her students? What drove heroes to do feats that could have ended them at the prime of their lives? Was it the glory? Was it necessity? I don't think so, though sometimes at the back of my mind I think otherwise.

When I was younger I used to do good deeds only because other people could see how good I was and build up a good reputation. I did it to please everyone with the thought that maybe they would do the same for me during times I would struggle and needed help. In a way, I was what you could say "user friendly". However, along the lines of my childhood to my adulthood, I met simple people with extraordinary hearts driven by a passion to serve others. I heard stories of people who devoted their lives in order to better those that were devastated either by fate or the cruelty of others. I guess I was influenced by those and the people around me who didn't teach but showed me what it means to give for nothing. To give because we want to. Not because we were called to do it, not because other people were watching, not because we carry the name of a prestigious school, not because society calls upon us to be that way. They showed me true generosity and with that generosity, they showed how it is to truly love.

You might be asking: why so serious? To be honest, a lot of things have happened this past year and the only thing I can remember that helped me get through everything was the time, love and understanding the people around me gave. At times when my self esteem was reaching the negatives, they would always push it right back up. They would always be willing to give time to listen to my rantings.

This brings me back to the question of why they would do this for me. Obligation? Sympathy? I don't think so.

 The only explanation I can really think of is the thought of love. Not the kind with all that science-y stuff with endorphins and what other chemicals are released due to some random neurotransmitters. I'm talking about that mysterious force within people that drives them to offer a part of their being to heal another.
To sacrifice.
You may call it your conscience or whatever you like but it is this mysterious force that drives me to reflect on what I do for other people because right now I am at a point of confusion.
I don't know if I give to people because I TRULY want to
or because I feel that they can help me in the future.
All I know is that I do so because that is what my heart tells me and I ask God everyday that I may grow to understand what really is this fire in my soul prodding me to do what some people would set out to call foolish or weird things. All I can do is sing this song in my head. :)

Click Here :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Been a while I know and I'm typing this when I'm not even at a hundred percent.

It's been a very long time since my last post (more than a month OMG). Well, that's mainly due to the fact that I had life to handle and that my life isn't exactly what you would call very eventful. :| Anyway, a short summary of what I've done could be boiled down to a few words, namely: Study, Tests, Death, costly triumph, massacre, heart, and dog (lol). Pardon my rather dry sense of humor as I'm not quite myself at the moment. Anyway, off to the main topic of my post for today…


Waiting is hard. Be it waiting for a cab that doesn't have a passenger, waiting for test scores to come out, waiting for your instant noodles to finally finish, or waiting for your slow ass friends who said that you would meet up at X time when they really meant (X+Y) time raised to the infinite power. DX All these situations basically boil down to the fact that you're waiting for something. What kills you isn't the amount of time that you have to wait, though this does help add to the stress, rather, it's the anticipation and expectation that something good will come your way. And when it doesn't, it just rips you apart as if a part of yourself just got torn to bits. I know this because I've experienced it……many many times. What I've learned from my parents and friends, as well as a little reflection myself, that worrying about those disappointments won't get you anywhere. All you can do is…


and with that, I think it has made me into a better person.

Forgive my crappy writing right now as I am out of practice and I don't have the luxury of time. Real life is calling right now with sleep as its medium so if you would, this would have to end this little post.

Words of Wisdom
I'll just repeat what I said in bold letters…


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Short post (Yes…it's a thing) Gloomy day turned bright, My aching foot.

Due to time constraints and a lack of more action, here is another short post (Trust me, it's gonna be a thing ;) ). So my day started pretty light with a semi free cut with English ( I know it's been that way for a while now). I say semi free cut because the whole period was devoted to consultations regarding our research paper D: . I took this time to do it early because…well…I felt like it? Continuing on we had a an awesome Lit class where we analyzed the movie "Hero" with Jet Li (Yes…my friends that movie is poetry). We also managed to get the topic we wanted to report on for next week which may be attributed to my mad jinxing skillz :p . In InTACT, we discussed how we would go about the our insertion into GK Bagong Silang (lol I said insertion).

My mood took a dump went it was Chem.It went southward and into the crapper because I didn't do quite well in my quiz and to top it off, I don't think I did so well in Math either. :/ Long story short: I got kinda down.

So there I was down in the dumps and waiting for an hour before I joined the Muay Thai team in training. During this quiet repose from the day that stuck a javelin into my confidence, I took the time to go to ARSAfest (WOOHOO!) which, for all those not familiar, is a week long event organized by the dormers for also a week long of fun :D . I joined my blockmates who were on their way to the dorms because, for the whole week at least, they could actually do that :p . I really enjoyed that. I don't know. Something about being with my blockmates and meeting up with the dormers lifted my spirits a bit so to all of you guys…THANKS! You don't know how much you guys helped me in that hour.

Care of Deviantart.com

So after seperating from the group, I trained with the team in which I ended the session with a pretty beat up foot but hey, no pain no gain right? :p But then again…my foot's hurting like it got crushed by a car in grade school ( Oh wait…that actually happened. Same foot too. lol).

My precious foot

Words of Wisdom
For today, I thought that songs are also words of wisdom so here…
a Michael Bolton song and my LSS for a bit now.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

ACET, Hell day ,and Family Guy :D

So today I got up after like 4 hours of sleep, due to the small reunion I had with my high school brothers <3, to go to Ateneo and check out the ACET results with my very nervous yet EXTREMELY excited little sister. We got to the school at about 7:30 in the morning and surprisingly there were fewer people there than we expected. I had met up with Rap, Micha and Jeth who were also going to check the results for siblings, godsiblings, etc. At 7:40, the truck carrying the results arrived and the people suddenly started to swarm the area like bees to a flower…in an arid desert. At 7:50, the cover over the results were torn and screams, shouts, and cries could be heard in all directions. We stayed there for a few minutes with the incessant sounds of joy,sadness, and disappointment growing louder. Finally we decided to get some breakfast at Pancake House both to lighten the mood and to compose ourselves (or rather my sister) from seeing the results.

That, so far, is how my day is unfolding as of now; the previous day, however, is a different story. The day started out quite well: me oversleeping, not shampoo-ing my hair, not applying wax to my hair,and going to school on an empty stomach. Yeah…I think my day was starting off quite nicely. Come 7:30, me and my English 12 classmates were getting ourselves ready for class only to find out that it was a free cut. Needless to say, my classmates were happy of the free time we would get because Lit was also a free cut. I can also honestly say that they were delighted to lug their laptops around the school for the added exercise and to wake up very early in the morning (topped maybe with a cold shower) to get used to the hustle and bustle of post academic life. We spent that free time watching Family Guy on my iPad (yes, I know what you're gonna say now SHUSH) and were laughing at how Peter reacted to drinking Red Bull.

Peter adding a secret ingredient to his home made Red Bull

 We also watched Despicable Me which was another laugh trip in itself. I then had a shift at DSWS for about an hour afterwhich I pretty much walked around A LOT and spent the last few moments before my 1:30 class faceplanted on the table at the DS office. I went into Chem class and guess what? it was a free cut :| . Given the opportunity most graciously bestowed upon me by the universe, I took this time to learn from my peers for the upcoming Math Long Test after the period. Thanks to Master Cheryl, Master Micha, and Master Mike, I can say that my brain was warmed up for hike it would take while carrying a ten ton weight…uphill. Anyway to make a long story short, I took the Math long test, got my brain raped, took my Lit midterms, got my brain masticated by poems about fish (yeah FISH) and went on my merry way to my classmates house for the high school reunion.

At the reunion, we all felt like we were in high school again; only some of us were buffer and had more lady friends (not me sadly. ;_;). We had a lot of fun there eating,drinking, talking about girls, drinking, reminiscing, drinking, playing with cards, peeing. It was a wonderful night. I face planted when I got home preparing myself for the impending trial I was about to face later in the day.

Seeing the ACET results posted made me think of how I got accepted in the Ateneo. It's already been officially a year after that event where I leaped in joy rejoicing how I would not go to the province to study (this is due to the fact that I only took 2 entrance tests, one for UP and the other for Ateneo; the UP one didn't work out so well with 60 unanswered questions ^_^;;). It made me think of how I've been faring in the school right now. It made me think of whether or not I'm earning my keep in terms of study and effort. It made me think of whether or not my slot in the course really did go to someone who deserved it. The answers to these questions have continued to evade me though I feel that I'm at their heels. 

For my final words, I'd like to say congratulations to all the ACET passers for this year. Don't rest on your laurels though and make sure you honor yourself and those who didn't make it by showing that you deserve that spot and working hard. To those who didn't make it or are going to try to appeal, remember that when one door closes, another opens and that if you truly want something, work for it and never give up. Once again, congratulations, stay positive, and keep fighting. :D

Words of Wisdom

When Life knocks you down, beat it with a stick and toss it over a cliff. ^_^
~Personal Quote