Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Short post (Yes…it's a thing) Gloomy day turned bright, My aching foot.

Due to time constraints and a lack of more action, here is another short post (Trust me, it's gonna be a thing ;) ). So my day started pretty light with a semi free cut with English ( I know it's been that way for a while now). I say semi free cut because the whole period was devoted to consultations regarding our research paper D: . I took this time to do it early because…well…I felt like it? Continuing on we had a an awesome Lit class where we analyzed the movie "Hero" with Jet Li (Yes…my friends that movie is poetry). We also managed to get the topic we wanted to report on for next week which may be attributed to my mad jinxing skillz :p . In InTACT, we discussed how we would go about the our insertion into GK Bagong Silang (lol I said insertion).

My mood took a dump went it was Chem.It went southward and into the crapper because I didn't do quite well in my quiz and to top it off, I don't think I did so well in Math either. :/ Long story short: I got kinda down.

So there I was down in the dumps and waiting for an hour before I joined the Muay Thai team in training. During this quiet repose from the day that stuck a javelin into my confidence, I took the time to go to ARSAfest (WOOHOO!) which, for all those not familiar, is a week long event organized by the dormers for also a week long of fun :D . I joined my blockmates who were on their way to the dorms because, for the whole week at least, they could actually do that :p . I really enjoyed that. I don't know. Something about being with my blockmates and meeting up with the dormers lifted my spirits a bit so to all of you guys…THANKS! You don't know how much you guys helped me in that hour.

Care of Deviantart.com

So after seperating from the group, I trained with the team in which I ended the session with a pretty beat up foot but hey, no pain no gain right? :p But then again…my foot's hurting like it got crushed by a car in grade school ( Oh wait…that actually happened. Same foot too. lol).

My precious foot

Words of Wisdom
For today, I thought that songs are also words of wisdom so here…
a Michael Bolton song and my LSS for a bit now.


  1. Your foot got crushed by a car in grade school!? :O

  2. Well by accident and it was early morning so I'm guessing the drowsiness didn't make me feel it as much.
