Thursday, July 26, 2012

I'm Feeling a Bit Sick but I Still Have The Energy to Post WTF?

So...yeah, you see the title. I'm not feeling so well tonight, mainly because I only slept for about 3 hours doing a Lab Report and going on a self-induced coffee spree for about half of the morning. I made the mistake of drinking a coffee at 11pm last night and had a hard time sleeping. I had to get up at 5am in the morning because my car was up for coding so I had to get to school by 7am. I felt fine at the start, kinda perky but 2 hours into my day I started feeling like crap and I still had to STUDY. :|

I basically spent the 3 hours I had before my "Spartan" day, as my friend Deo would call it, dragging myself to study and eat a heavy lunch. This was one of those days that I had 7 1/2 hours of class...straight. It also just so happened to be the day I had a 2 hour 7:30am class, how fun.

My first class went by without a hitch, although I was cranky and stormed out once it was done so I could get to my next class where I was about to take a quiz. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly in the best mood to take the test and knowing that I mostly slept during my study time didn't help.

The class opted to take the longer option of the test, which placed me in an even worse mood. (sorry if I inadvertently offend anyone I was just really tired and felt really sick at the time) Miraculously I got the quiz and managed to get by despite my foul mood.

The next class was Physics and I just felt that we were gonna have a test. Luckily, Sir Jallorina's mood managed to rub off me and I started to feel a little bit positive. We still had a quiz though. :| I had a plan though, I brought earmuffs to muffle out any sounds in the area because I usually get distracted with Sir Jallorina's quizzes because, more often than not, his bonuses often leave me thinking more than the quiz itself hahaha. Although, for today's quiz, I almost didn't get it.

History 166 was the next class and I knew that there was a class presentation for it. It was the group of Sarah, Jj, and Ale. Their group presented on the economic policies of the country during the time the Americans stayed here. They managed to pull it off despite only having 3 members and I tip my hat to them. :)

My last class though, really did it in for me. It was Philosophy101 and our lesson was about the Phenomenological method and how Hursserl contributed to it. Long story short, I used my brain a lot during that hour and a half hahaha.

With class done, I thought I was finally going home but since some of my blockmates decided to go get milk tea, I decided, "Why not get a milk shake?". Unfortunately they were out of milk shakes so I had to settle for an icy alternative. I brought my blockmates home to end the day and now I am here typing after watching Startcraft 2 replays on Youtube. I'm actually planning to try and play Starcraft 2 again for some random reason. I should probably go to bed soon but I'm starting to feel a little bit better so I might get pizza instead. This blog must be doing wonders for me. :p I'll write about more stuff as the days go on. Hope you guys stay tuned and keep on fighting. :D

Here's a video from one of my favorite bands. Yes. I'm a hopeless romantic. :)


  1. So this is what a spartan day is like for you

  2. Yeah pretty much, it's like High School all over again. @_@
