Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Been a while I know and I'm typing this when I'm not even at a hundred percent.

It's been a very long time since my last post (more than a month OMG). Well, that's mainly due to the fact that I had life to handle and that my life isn't exactly what you would call very eventful. :| Anyway, a short summary of what I've done could be boiled down to a few words, namely: Study, Tests, Death, costly triumph, massacre, heart, and dog (lol). Pardon my rather dry sense of humor as I'm not quite myself at the moment. Anyway, off to the main topic of my post for today…


Waiting is hard. Be it waiting for a cab that doesn't have a passenger, waiting for test scores to come out, waiting for your instant noodles to finally finish, or waiting for your slow ass friends who said that you would meet up at X time when they really meant (X+Y) time raised to the infinite power. DX All these situations basically boil down to the fact that you're waiting for something. What kills you isn't the amount of time that you have to wait, though this does help add to the stress, rather, it's the anticipation and expectation that something good will come your way. And when it doesn't, it just rips you apart as if a part of yourself just got torn to bits. I know this because I've experienced it……many many times. What I've learned from my parents and friends, as well as a little reflection myself, that worrying about those disappointments won't get you anywhere. All you can do is…


and with that, I think it has made me into a better person.

Forgive my crappy writing right now as I am out of practice and I don't have the luxury of time. Real life is calling right now with sleep as its medium so if you would, this would have to end this little post.

Words of Wisdom
I'll just repeat what I said in bold letters…